Presented by Tolani Johnson

In the New Method to Nurture Positive Self-Esteem and Bully-Proof Your Child, you will find:

✔️  The most critical red flags that indicate your child is getting bullied and suffering in silence – ignore these signs, and your child is surely going to come home soon with a broken arm or a bloodied eye. ( Discover what they are on page 3 so you can protect your child against bullies before it’s too late.

✔️  Five Secret Pillars of helping a child build a positive self-image -Miss any of these and the child is almost guaranteed to wallow in self-doubt.

✔️  Five Warning Signals That Show Your Child has Low Self-Esteem Issues – If you don’t identify these signals and address them promptly, they can crush your child’s immense potentials and make him lose his creative edge.

✔️  The IMF Stages for Building Self-Confidence in Children –  Each stage requires different and unique strategies for best results. You will learn exactly what you need to do at each developmental stage.

✔️  The 7-Step Anti-Bully System That Actually Works– These are psychologist-approved methods you can teach your child to stand up to bullies.

✔️  Dos and Don’ts of Dealing with Bullies- Number three has a 99.99 percent success rate of rattling and keeping them away.

✔️  One Parenting Style That Can Destroy a Child’s Self-Confidence- A lot of parents make this costly mistake that ruins the mental and emotional development of their children from early on.

✔️  The Five Secret Pillars for Balancing Work and Family Life- If you miss these, you might end with chronic stress and a feeling of inadequacy.

If you order the New Method to Nurture Positive Self-Esteem and Bully-Proof Your Child the next 30 minutes, these amazing bonuses can also be yours:

Bonus One

📕 Reset Your Child’s Brain With Playful Parenting: Discover the transformative power of Playful Parenting as you embark on a journey to reset your child’s brain. Say goodbye to screen time battles and hello to a happier, more connected family dynamic.

Bonus Two

📕 Tame Tantrums in Toddlers Guide: This guide equips you with the tools to navigate the stormy waters of toddlerhood, fostering a more peaceful and harmonious parent-child relationship.

Bonus Three

📕 Secret Method to Build Positive Sibling Relationships: Unlock the hidden key to nurturing strong, positive sibling relationships with this insightful guide. Inside, you’ll discover a proven method that empowers parents to foster harmony, cooperation, and lifelong connections among their children

Bonus Four

📕 Parenting with Love and Logic: Discover a compassionate and effective approach to raising resilient and responsible children. With the principles of Love and Logic, you’ll learn to nurture your child’s self-esteem, make thoughtful decisions.

Bonus Five

📕 Anger Management Guide for Parents: This guide equips parents with practical strategies to manage their anger effectively, creating a more peaceful and harmonious family environment.

Here's everything you are getting today for just N3,997

MAIN: A copy of my book titled "New Method to Nurture Positive Self-Esteem and Bully-Proof Your Child."

BONUS ONE: A copy of "Reset Your Child's Brain With Playful Parenting."

BONUS TWO: A copy of "Tame Tantrums in Toddlers Guide."

BONUS THREE: A copy of "Secret Method to Build Positive Sibling Relationships."

BONUS FOUR: A copy of "Parenting with Love and Logic."

BONUS FIVE: A copy of "Anger Management Guide for Parents."

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Hello, Dear parent who desires to build positive self esteem in their child so they don’t get bullied by their peers

Do you sometimes feel guilty and blame yourself that you aren’t doing enough to protect your child from getting bullied?

Are you constantly anxious about your child’s physical and emotional safety?

Are you sometimes worried about the long-term impact of bullying on your child’s mental health and how it might shape their adult life?

You are not alone.

A lot of parents feel helpless and uncertain on how best to help their child stop getting bullied by their peers.

They are distressed about how bullying will affect their child’s ability to focus and perform well in school. 

Many of them regret not noticing the signs earlier or feel guilty about not being more present.

If the situation isn’t addressed promptly, it can cause longterm damage to the child’s self-esteem and mental health.

You see, it is common for a child to become depressed when they constantly get bullied.

Which can lead to a decline in their academic performance because of the distractions they face.

In worst cases, a child can become suicidal if they don’t get the right support in the face of bullying.

The truth is that one of the biggest problems many parents face is getting their children to open up to them about being bullied.

In most cases, this is a result of the parents being too busy with work.

And not being present and alive to their duties as parents.

This makes the child feel isolated and disconnected.

Which can make them lose trust in their parents and subsequently stop sharing things with them.

This is the reason many children who persistently get bullied are suffering in silence today.

David is our first and only child.

My husband and I have flourishing careers in Lagos.

I’m a lawyer at one of the tier one law firms while my husband, Emmanuel, is a product manager at a tech startup.

We entrusted our child’s care to a maid because we both have tight schedules and are rarely home.

Our son, David, is a gentle soul. 

He was introspective and enjoyed his own company, often finding solace in books and drawings. 

However, his quiet demeanor made him an easy target at school, where bullies saw his introversion as weakness.

Then one day, the bullying escalated. 

As he walked through the crowded hallways, he could feel the eyes of the bullies on him. 

They were always ready to pick on him, and today was no different. 

They saw David’s quiet nature as a chance to have some cruel fun, and they took it.

When they cornered him, David panicked and tried to push through them, hoping he could escape.

But they pushed back, he fell and broke his arm.

The incident got to the school authorities and they called us in for a meeting.

This was a serious matter that couldn’t be swept under the carpet.

As David’s broken arm bore the weight of our guilt, myself and my husband were confronted with the painful reality of our absence.

David’s injury was a wake-up call for us. 

We knew it was time to help our son who had been suffering in silence for a long time.

After some back and forth, we concluded that we needed professional guidance.

And we booked a session with one of the top-rated psychologists in Lagos with over thirty-five years of experience under her belt.

She has a PhD in clinical psychology, specialising in child psychology and behavioral issues.

Here’s one the profound truths doctor shared with us during their session:

‘‘The number One way parents can empower their children against getting bullied is helping them develop positive self-esteem.

And the fastest way to achieve this is to follow the SAP parenting method.” that makes building resilience, self-confidence and positive self image in children a cakewalk.”

You must have seen some parents, who despite their busy work schedules have raised self-confident, emotionally and mentally strong children immune to bullying, their secret is following the SAP parenting method.

If you desire to raise self-confident and emotionally strong children, you are about to discover what the “SAP parenting method” is all about.

Here's everything you are getting today for just N3,997

MAIN: A copy of my book titled "New Method to Nurture Positive Self-Esteem and Bully-Proof Your Child."

BONUS ONE: A copy of "Reset Your Child's Brain With Playful Parenting."

BONUS TWO: A copy of "Tame Tantrums in Toddlers Guide."

BONUS THREE: A copy of "Secret Method to Build Positive Sibling Relationships."

BONUS FOUR: A copy of "Parenting with Love and Logic."

BONUS FIVE: A copy of "Anger Management Guide for Parents."

Pay N3,997 into the following bank account:

VFD Microfinance Bank: 4600392289

Name: VHRNET Media

After you do, take a screenshot of your payment receipt or debit alert and send it to

And after we confirm your payment, we'll send you the blueprint immediately.

Get Access to the book for just N3,997

Unlike me, If You Are Not OLD SCHOOL... Then you can pay online through Paystack. Click the button below

In conclusion, building positive self-esteem in your child isn’t just about today.

You are making an investment into their future so that they can stand up for themselves anywhere they go.

Because the painful truth is, the bullies don’t just go away.

They’ll be waiting even when they become adults.

So, the solution is not changing their school.

Click here to grab a copy of the New Method to Nurture Positive Self-Esteem and Bully-Proof Your Child.

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